Modeling Nuclear Structure and Reactions
The general scope and aims of the research carried out by our collaboration are presented in the Proposal of the research project presented to the INFN National Scientific Committee (June 2020). This document details the contents of six workpackages, according to which our activity is subdivided:
WP1: Modern Approaches to Nuclear Structure
WP2: Collective phenomena and nuclear correlations
WP3: Physics of exotic nuclei
WP4:Electroweak probes
WP5: Nuclei at high energy and temperature, and nuclear matter
WP6: Connection to Evolving Technologies and Applications
A revised version of the project
has been presented to the INFN National Committee for the period 2024-2026. The definition of the workpackages has been modified, so as to better corrrespond to the activity of the various Units.
The following list includes papers published by members of
the collaboration in the period 2021- May 2023. Papers have been subdivided according
to the most relevant workpackage. Papers published together with experimentalists are printed in green.
Workpackage WP1
C. Adams, G. Carleo, A. Lovato and N. Rocco, Variational Monte Carlo calculations of A ≤ 4 nuclei with an artificial neural-network correlator ansatz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 022502 (2021)
C. A. Bertulani, A. Idini and C. Barbieri, Examination of the sensitivity of quasifree reactions to details of the bound-state overlap functions, Phys. Rev. C104, L061602 (2021)
G. Cò, M. Anguiano and A.M. Lallena, Tensor force and deformation in even even nuclei , Phys Rev. C 104 (2021) 014313
L. Coraggio, S. Pastore and C. Barbieri, Editorial: The future of nuclear structure: challenges and opportunities in the microscopic description of nuclei, Front. Phys. 8, 626976 (2021)
L. Coraggio, G. De Gregorio, A. Gargano, N. Itaco, T. Fukui, Y. Z. Ma and F. R. Xu,
Shell-model study of titanium isotopic chain with chiral two- and three-body forces, Phys. Rev. C 104, 054304 (2021)
G. De Gregorio, F. Knapp, N. Lo Iudice and P. Vesely,Removal of the center of mass in nuclei and its effects on 4He , Phys. Lett. B 821, 136636 (2021)
T. Fukui, L. Coraggio, G. De Gregorio, A. Gargano, N. Itaco, Y. Z. Ma and F. R. Xu, Realistic shell model with chiral interaction and its application to drip-line predictions, Few-Body Syst. 62, 64 (2021)
J. Isaacson, W.I. Jay, A. Lovato, P. Machado and N. Rocco, New approach to intranuclear cascades with quantum Monte Carlo configurations, Phys. Rev. C 103, 015502 (2021)
F. Marino, C. Barbieri, A. Carbone, G. Colò, A. Lovato, F. Pederiva, X. Roca-Maza and E. Vigezzi, Nuclear energy density functionals grounded in ab initio calculations, Phys. Rev. C 104, 024315 (2021)
R. Romano, X. Roca-Maza,G. Colò and S. Shen, Extended Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Hamiltonian, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 48 05LT01 (2021)
R. Schiavilla, L.Girlanda, A. Gnech, A. Kievsky, A. Lovato, L.E. Marcucci, M. Piarulli and M. Viviani, Two- and three-nucleon contact interactions and ground-state energies of light- and medium-mass nuclei, Phys. Rev. C 103, 054003 (2021)
G. Selva, X. Roca-Maza and G. Colò, Isospin Symmetry Breaking Effects on the Mass-Radius Relation of a Neutron Star, Symmetry 13, 144 (2021)
V. Somà, C. Barbieri, T. Duguet and P. Navrátil, Moving away from singly-magic nuclei with Gorkov Green's function theory, Eur. Phys. J A57, 135 (2021)
T. Aumann, C. Barbieri, et al., Quenching of single-particle strength from direct reactions with stable and rare-isotopes beams, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 118 103847 (2021)
A. Fernandez, S.M. Lenzi et al., Mirror energy differences above the 0f7/2 shell: First γ-ray spectroscopy of the Tz = -2 nucleus 56Zn, Phys. Lett. B 823, 136784 (2021)
A. Gade, S.M. Lenzi et al., In-beam γ spectroscopy of 62,64C, Phys.Rev. C 103, 014314(2021)
S.M. Lenzi, A. Poves and A. O. Macchiavelli, Shell model analysis of the B(E2,2+→0+) values in the A=70, T=1 triplet 70Kr, 70Br, and 70Se, Phys.Rev. C 104, L031306 (2021).
B. D. Linh, C. Barbieri et al., Investigation of the ground state spin inversion in the neutron-rich Cl-47,Cl-49 isotopes,
Phys. Rev. C104, 044331 (2021)
R.Yajzey, S.M. Lenzi et al., Spectroscopy of the Tz = 2 mirror nuclei 48Fe/48Ti using mirrored knockout reactions, Phys. Lett. B 823, 136757 (2021)
D. Tonev, G. De Gregorio et al., Transition probabilities in P-31 and S-31: A test for isospin symmetry, Phys. Lett. B 821 136603 (2021)
P. Arthuis, C. Barbieri, F. Pederiva and A. Roggero, Quantum Monte Carlo in configuration space with three-nucleon forces,
arXiv:2203.16167 [nucl-th]
G. De Gregorio, F. Knapp, N. Lo Iudice and P. Vesely,Spectroscopic properties of He-4 within a multiphonon approach, Phys. Rev. C 105, 024326 (2022)
A. Liardi, F. Marino, G. Colò, X. Roca-Maza and E. Vigezzi, Complete solution to the inverse Kohn-Sham problem: From the density to the energy, Phys. Rev. C 105, 034309 (2022)
T. Naito, G. Colò, H. Liang, X.Roca-Maza, and H. Sagawa, Towards ab initio charge symmetry breaking in nuclear energy density functionals, Phys. Rev. C 105, L021304 (2022)
G. Co', M. Anguiano and A.M. Lallena, Charge radii of Ca isotopes and correlations, Phys. Rev. C 105, 034320 (2022)
G. Co', M. Anguiano and A.M. Lallena, Effect of short- and long-range correlations on neutron skins of various neutron-rich doubly magic nuclei, Phys. Rev. C 105, 064316 (2022)
C. Barbieri, T. Duguet and V. Somà, Gorkov algebraic diagrammatic construction formalism at third order, Phys. Rev. C 105, 044330 (2022)
T. Naito, X. Roca-Maza, G. Colò, H. Liang and H. Sagawa, Isospin symmetry breaking in the charge radius difference of mirror nuclei, Phys. Rev. C 106, L061306 (2022)
P.G. Reinhard, J. Roca-Maza and W. Nazarewicz, Combined Theoretical Analysis of the Parity-Violating Asymmetry for 48Ca and 208Pb, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 232501 (2022)
L. Andreoli, J. Carlson, A. Lovato, S. Pastore, N. Rocco and R.B. Wiringa, Electron scattering on A=3 nuclei from quantum Monte Carlo based approaches, Phys. Rev C 105,014002 (2022)
L. Coraggio, N. Itaco, G. De Gregorio, A. Gargano, R. Mancino and F. Nowacki, Shell-model calculation of Mo-100 double-beta decay, Phys. Rev. C 105,034312 (2022)
A. Lovato, I. Bombaci, D. Logoteta, M. Piarulli and R.B. Wiringa, Benchmark calculations of infinite neutron matter with realistic two- and three-nucleon potentials, Phys. Rev. C 105, 055808 (2022)
M.A. Corona, M. Cadeddu, N. Cargioli, P. Finelli and M. Vorabbi, Incorporating the weak mixing angle dependence to reconcile the neutron skin measurement on Pb-208 by PREX-II, Phys. Rev. C 105, 055503 (2022)
R. Weiss, A. Lovato and R.B. Wiringa, Isospin-symmetry implications for nuclear two-body distributions and short-range correlations, Phys. Rev. C 106, 054319 (2022)
N. Alamanos, C. Bertulani, A. Bracco, D.M. Brink, G. Casini, V. Rosso and M. Viviani, Re-writing nuclear physics textbooks Recent advances in nuclear physics applications., Eur. Phys. J Plus 137, 350 (2022)
T. Koiwai, C. Barbieri et al., A first glimpse at the shell structure beyond Ca-54: Spectroscopy of K-55, Ca-55, and Ca-57,
Phys. Lett. B 827, 136953 (2022)
S.Malbrunot-Ettenauer, C. Barbieri et al., Nuclear charge radii of the nickel isotopes Ni58, Ni 68, Ni70, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 022502 (2022)
A. Vitez-Sveiczer, S.M. Lenzi et al, The beta-decay of Kr-70 into Br-70: Restoration of the pseudo-SU(4) symmetry,, Phys. Lett. B 630, (2022)
N. Tomoya, G. Colò, H. Liang, X. Roca-maza and H. Sagawa,
Effects of Coulomb and isospin symmetry breaking interactions on neutron-skin thickness, Phys. Rev. C 107, 064302 (2023)
F. Knapp, P. Papakostantinou, P. Vesely, G. De Gregorio, J. Herko and N. Lo Iudice,
Comparative analysis of formalisms and performances of three different beyond-mean-field approaches, Phys. Rev. C 107, 014305 (2023)
F. Marino, G. Colò, X. Roca-Maza and E. Vigezzi,
Perturbed nuclear matter studied within density functional theory with a finite number of particles, Phys. Rev. C 107, 044311 (2023)
S. Bottoni, E.R. Gamba, G. De Gregorio, A. Gargano et al.,
Testing the predictive power of realistic shell model calculations via lifetime measurement of the 11/2+state in 131Sb,
Phys. Rev. C 107, 014322 (2023)
Workpackage WP2
G. Colò and X. Roca-Maza, User guide for the hfbcs-qrpa(v1) code, arXiv:2102.06562
W.L. Lv, Y.F. Niu, G. Colò, Learning the structure of giant resonances from their gamma-decay, Phys. Rev. C103, 064321 (2021)
M. Boyukata, C.E.Alonso, J.M.Arias, L.Fortunato and A.Vitturi, Review of Shape Phase Transition Studies for Bose-Fermi Systems: The Effect of the Odd-Particle on the Bosonic Core, Symmetry, 13(2), 215 (2021)
V. Amitrano, A. Roggero, P. Luchi, F. Turro, L. Vespucci and F. Pederiva,
Trapped-ion quantum simulation of collective neutrino oscillations, Phys. Rev. D 107, 023007 (2023)
J. Casal, L. Fortunato, E.G. Lanza and A. Vitturi, Alpha-induced elastic scattering and alpha-transfer reactions in 12C and 16O within the algebraic cluster model, Eur. Phys. J. A 57, 33 (2021)
L.Fortunato, Quantum phase transitions in algebraic and collective models of nuclear structure, Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 121, 103891 (2021)
I. Isdraila, V. Baran, M. Colonna et al., An extended Brown-Bosterli model for pygmy dipole resonance, Romanian Journal of Physics 66, 304 (2021)
H. Moriya, W. Horiuchi, J. Casal and L. Fortunato, Three-alpha configurations in the 0+ states of 12C, Few Body Syst. 62, 46 (2021)
M. Sambataro and N. Sandulescu, Alpha-like quartetting in the excited states of proton-neutron pairing Hamiltonians, Phys. Lett. B 820 136476 (2021)
M. Vorabbi, M. Gennari, P. Finelli, C. Giusti, P. Navratil and R. Machleidt,
Impact of the three-body forces on elastic nucleon-scattering observables, Phys. Rev. C 103, 024604 (2021)
F.C.L. Crespi, A. Bracco, E. G. Lanza et al., The structure of low-lying 1(-) states in Zr-90,Zr-94 from (alpha, alpha' γ) and (p, p' γ) reactions, Phys. Lett B 816 136210 (2021)
D. Gambacurta, M. Grasso, Quenching of Gamow-Teller strengths and two-particle-two-hole configurations,
Phys. Rev. C 105, 014321 (2022)
M. Vorabbi, M. Gennari, P. Finelli, C. Giusti, P. Navratil and R. Machleidt, Elastic proton scattering off nonzero spin nuclei, Phys. Rev. C 105, 014621 (2022)
J. Xu, Z. Li, B. Sun, Y. Niu,X. Roca-Maza, H. Sagawa and I. Tanihata, Constraining the equation of state of nuclear matter by charge-changing cross section measurements of mirror nuclei, Phys. Lett. B 833, 137333 (2022)
M. Sambataro and N. Sandulescu, Band-like structures and quartets in deformed N = Z nuclei, Phys. Lett. B 827, 136987 (2022)
D. Negrea, N. Sandulescu and D. Gambacurta, Proton-neutron pairing and binding energies of nuclei close to the N = Z line, Phys. Rev C 105, 034325 (2022)
Z. Ranjbar, L. Fortunato and N. Ghahramany, Prolate-oblate quantum phase transition in odd nuclei for j=1/2, 3/2 and 5/2 orbits within the SUBF (3) limit of the IBFM, Eur. Phys. J. Plus 137, 1164 (2022)
B. Moon, A. Gargano et al, First observation of the pi 0h(11/2)( )circle times nu 0h(9/2) partner orbital configuration in the odd-odd I-138 nucleus,
Phys. Rev. C 105, 034334 (2022)
R.M. Perez-Vidal, A. Gargano, L. Coraggio, S.M. Lenzi et al., Evidence of Partial Seniority Conservation in the pi g9/2 Shell for the N=50 Isotones,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 112501 (2022)
S. Uthayakumaar, S.M. Lenzi et al., Spectroscopy of the T=3/2 A=47 and A=45 mirror nuclei via one- and two-nucleon knockout reactions, Phys. Rev C 106, 024327 (2022)
Z. Huang, S.M. Lenzi, et al, Level scheme study of 92Mo: Searching for evidence of core excitation, Phys. Rev. C 106, 064331
T. Popa, N. Sandulescu and M. Sambataro, Excited states of zero seniority based on a pair condensate, Phys. Rev C 107, 034318 (2023)
E.G. Lanza, L. Pellegri, A. Vitturi and M.V. Andres, Theoretical study of pygmy resonances, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 129, 104006 (2023)
Workpackage WP3
C. A. Bertulani, A. Idini and C. Barbieri, Examination of the sensitivity of quasifree reactions to details of the bound-state overlap functions , Phys. Rev. C104, L061602 (2021).
A. Bonaccorso, D.M. Brink, Models of breakup: a final state interaction problem , Eur. Phys. J. A 57, 171 (2021)
P. N. Huan, N. L. Anh, B. M. Loc and I. Vidana, Excitation of isobaric analog states from (p,n) and (3He,t) charge-exchange reactions within the G-matrix folding method , Phys. Rev. C 103, 024601 (2021)
H. Lenske, J. Bellone, M. Colonna and D. Gambacurta, Nuclear Matrix Elements for Heavy Ion Sequential Double Charge Exchange Reactions, Universe 7, 98 (2021)
B. D. Linh, et al., C. Barbieri, Investigation of the ground state spin inversion in the neutron-rich Cl-47,Cl-49 isotopes ,
Phys. Rev. C104, 044331 (2021)
A.O. Macchiavelli et al., Piston mechanism in a time-dependent two-level model , Phys.Rev. C 104, L061304 (2021)
I. Moumene and A. Bonaccorso, Localization of peripheral reactions and sensitivity to the imaginary potential , Nucl. Phys. A 1006, 122109 (2021)
R.A. Broglia, F. Barranco, G.Potel and E. Vigezzi, Transient weak links between superconducting nuclei: coherence length, Nuclear Physics News 31, 24 (2021)
G. Potel, F. Barranco, E. Vigezzi and R.A.Broglia, Quantum entanglement and nuclear Cooper-pair tunneling with gamma rays, Phys. Rev. C 103, L0211601 (2021)
J.L. Rodriguez-Sanchez, J. Benlliure, I. Vidana, et al., Systematic study of Delta(1232) resonance excitations using single isobaric charge-exchange reactions induced by medium-mass projectiles of Sn , Phys. Rev. C 106, 014618 (2022)
A.V. Dobrovolsky ... G. Colò et al., Nuclear matter distributions in the neutron-rich carbon isotopes 14-17C from intermediate-energy proton elastic scattering in inverse kinematics , Nucl. Phys. A 1008, 12 (2021)
Jin Lei, K. Wang et al. (RIBLL Collaboration), Elastic scattering and breakup reactions of the proton drip-line nucleus
8B on 208Pb at 238 MeV , Phys. Rev. C 103, 024606 (2021)
S. Gagandeep, J. Singh, J. Casal amd L. Fortunato, Exploring the halo character and dipole response in the dripline nucleus F-31,
Phys. Rev. C 105, (2022)
S. Gagandeep, L. Fortunato and A. Vitturi, Effect of the continuum on pairing enhancement in a two-neutron transfer process, Phys. Lett. (34, (2022)
S.A. Gillespie, A. Bonaccorso et al, Proton decay spectroscopy of S-28 and Cl-30, Phys. Rev. C 105, (2022)
R.A. Broglia, F. Barranco, G. Potel and E. Vigezzi, Transient Joule- and (ac) Josephson-like photon emission in one- and two- nucleon tunneling processes between superfluid nuclei: Blackbody and coherent spectral functions, Phys. Rev. C 105, L061602 (2022)
J.A. Lay, A. Vitturi, L. Fortunato, Y. Tsunoda, T. Togashi and T. Otsuka, Two-particle transfer processes as a signature of shape phase transition in Zirconium isotopes , Phys. Lett. B 838, 137719 (2023)
Workpackage WP4
I. Isdraila, V. Baran, M. Colonna et al., An extended Brown-Bosterli model for pygmy dipole resonance,Romanian Journal of Physics 66, 304 (2021)
O. Koshchii, M. Gorchtein, X. Roca-Maza, and H. Spiesberger, Beam-normal single-spin asymmetry in elastic scattering of electrons from a spin-0 nucleus,Phys. Rev. C 103, 064316 (2021)
V. Amitrano, A. Roggero, P. Luchi, F. Turro, L. Vespucci and F. Pederiva,
Trapped-ion quantum simulation of collective neutrino oscillations, Phys. Rev. D 107, 023007 (2023)
H. Lenske, J. Bellone, M. Colonna, D. Gambacurta, Nuclear Matrix Elements for Heavy Ion Sequential Double Charge Exchange Reactions, Universe 7, 98 (2021)
S. Calabrese et al., O-18-induced single-nucleon transfer reactions on Ca-40 at 15.3A MeV within a multichannel analysis,
F. Cappuzzello et al., NUMEN Technical Design Report, Int. Jou. of Mod. Phys. A 36, 2130018 (2021)
M. Cavallaro et al., A Constrained Analysis of the Ca-40(O-18,F-18)K-40 Direct Charge Exchange Reaction Mechanism at 275 MeV,
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 8, 659815 (2021)
J.D. Martin, A. Roggero, H. Duan, J. Carlson and V. Cirigliano, Classical and quantum evolution in a simple coherent neutrino problem, Phys. Rev. D 105, 080320, 083020 (2022)
A. Roggero, E. Rrapaj and Z.W. Xiong, Entanglement and correlations in fast collective neutrino flavor oscillations, Phys. Rev. D, 043022 (2022)
O. Benhar Noccioli, A. Lovato and G. Camelio, Modeling Neutron Star Matter in the Age of Multimessenger Astrophysics, Astrophys. J. 939, 52 (2022)
J.L. Rodriguez-Sanchez, J. Benlliure, H.I. Vidana et al, Systematic study of Delta(1232) resonance excitations using single isobaric charge-exchange reactions induced by medium-mass projectiles of Sn, Phys. Rev. C 106, 014618 (2022)
V. Cirigliano, A. Lovato et al, Towards precise and accurate calculations of neutrinoless double-beta decay J. Phys. G 49, 120502 (2022)
R. Weiss, P. Soriano, A. Lovato, J. Menendez and R.B. Wiringa, Neutrinoless double-beta decay: Combining quantum Monte Carlo and the nuclear shell model with the generalized contact formalism, Phys. Rev. C 106, 065501 (2022)
Workpackage WP5
M.Colonna et al., Comparison of heavy-ion transport simulations: Mean-field dynamics in a box, Phys. Rev. C 104, 024603 (2021)
G.Jhang et al., Symmetry energy investigation with pion production from Sn+Sn systems , Phys. Lett. B 813, 136016 (2021)
P. Napolitani and M. Colonna, Interplay between surface and volume instabilities in heavy-ioncollisions examined within mean-field extensions, Nuovo Cim C45, 49 (2022)
M. Colonna, Comparison of heavy-ion transport simulations for mean-field dynamics, Nuovo Cim C 45, 45 (2022)
M.Papa, Finite Range Interactions in Constrained Molecular Dynamics,arXiv 2104.07421 nucl-th
H.Wolter, M. Colonna, M. Papa et al., ,Transport Model Comparison Studies of Intermediate-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions,
Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys., 125, 103962 (2022)
S. Burrello et al., Multichannel experimental and theoretical constraints for the Cd-116(Ne-20, F-20)In-116 charge exchange reaction at 306 MeV,
Phys. Rev. C 105, 024616 (2022)
C. Parascandolo, M. Colonna and al, Dynamical dipole excitation in the fission of a Ca-40 + Sm-152 composite system, Phys Rev. C 105, 064611 (2022)
Workpackage WP6
H. De Leon and F. Pederiva, iStatistical mechanics study of the introduction of a vaccine against COVID-29 disease, Phys. Rev. E 104,014132 (2021)
S. De Palo, P.E. Trevisanutto, G. Senatore and G. Vignale, Collective excitations and quantum incompressibility in electron-hole bilayers, Phys. Rev B 104, 115165 (2021)
K. Raghavan, P. Balaprakash, A. Lovato, N. Rocco and S.M. Wild, Machine-learning-based inversion of nuclear responses, Phys. Rev. C 103, 035502 (2021)
S. Taioli, P.E. Trevisanutto, P. de Vera, S. Simonucci, I. Abril, R. Garcia-Molina and M. Dapor, Relative Role of Physical Mechanisms on Complex Biodamage Induced by Carbon Irradiation ,J. Phys. Chem. Lett.12, 487 (2021)
A. Pedrielli, P.E. Trevisanutto, L. Monacelli, G. Garberoglio, N.M. Pugno and S. Taioli, Understanding anharmonic effects on hydrogen desorption characteristics of MgnH2n nanoclusters by ab initio trained deep neural network,
Nanoscale 14, 5589 (2022)
F. Turro, A. Roggero, V. Amitrano, P. Luchi, K.A. Wendt, J.L. Dubois JL, S. Quaglioni and F. Pederiva, Imaginary-time propagation on a quantum chip, Phys. Rev. A 105, 022440 (2022)
M. Sighinolfi, D. De Boni, A. Roggero, G. Gamberoglio, P. Faccioli, A. Recati, Stochastic dynamics and bound states of heavy impurities in a Fermi bath ,
Phys. Rev. A 105, 043308 (2022)
M. Dapor, Differential elastic scattering cross-section of spin-polarized electron beams impinging on uranium, J. Phys. B 55,095022 (2022)
P. de Vera, S. Taioli, P.E. Trevisanutto, M. Dapor, I. Abril, S. Simonucci and R. Garcia-Molina, Energy Deposition around Swift Carbon-Ion Tracks in Liquid Water, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23, 6121 (2022)
M. Dapor, Aluminum electron energy loss spectra. A comparison between Monte Carlo and experimental data, Front Mater. 9, 1068196 (2022)
J.E. Sobczyk and A. Roggero, Spectral density reconstruction with Chebyshev polynomials, Phys. Rev. E 105, 055310 (2022)
I.A. Valuev, G. Colo', J. Roca-Maza, C.H. Keitel and N.S. Oreshkina, Evidence Against Nuclear Polarization as Source of Fine-Structure Anomalies in Muonic Atoms,, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 203001 (2022)
G. Pescia, J.Q. Han, A. Lovato, J.F. Lu and G. Carleo, Neural-network quantum states for periodic systems in continuous space, Phys. Rev. Res. 4, 023318 (2022)
A. Baroni, J. Carlson, R. Gupta, A.C.Y. Li, G.N. Purdue and A. Roggero, Nuclear two point correlation functions on a quantum computer, Phys. Rev. D 105, 074503 (2022)
A. Lovato, C. Adams, G. Carleo and N. Rocco, Hidden-nucleons neural-network quantum states for the nuclear many-body problem, Phys. Rev. Res. 4, 043178 (2022)
V. Amitrano, A. Roggero, P. Luchi, F. Turro, L. Vespucci and F. Pederiva,
Trapped-ion quantum simulation of collective neutrino oscillations, Phys. Rev. D 107, 023007 (2023)
I. Vidana, Machine learning light hypernuclei, Nucl. Phys. A 1032, 122625 (2023)
A. Pedrielli, M. Dapor, K. Gkakgas, S. Taioli and N.M. Pugno,
Mechanical properties of twisted carbon nanotube bundles with carbon linkers from molecular dynamics simulations
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24, 2473 (2023)
K. Wiciak-Pawlowska, A. Winiarska, S. Taioli, M. Dapor, M. Franz and J. Franz, The role of molecular structure in Monte Carlo simulations of the secondary electron yield and backscattering coefficient from methacrylic acid, Molecules 28, 1126 (2023)